๐ŸŽญMetered Features

Metered features are opened for Stripe only and this will open up custom metering for exceeding quotas on features.

You might want to give your customers a specific amount of a feature, let's say Build Minutes, but for an exceeding amount of minutes, you might invoice at the end of the month a price of $0.01 per minute:

use RenokiCo\CashierRegister\Saas;

Saas::plan('Gold Plan', 'gold-plan')->features([
    Saas::meteredFeature('Build Minutes', 'build.minutes', 3000), // included: 3000
        ->meteredPrice('price_identifier', 0.01, 'minute'), // on-demand: $0.01/minute

If you simply want just the on-demand price of the metered feature, just omit the amount:

use RenokiCo\CashierRegister\Saas;

Saas::plan('Gold Plan', 'gold-plan')->features([
    Saas::meteredFeature('Build Minutes', 'build.minutes'), // included: 0
        ->meteredPrice('price_identifier', 0.01, 'minute'), // on-demand: $0.01/minute

The third parameter is just a conventional name for the unit. 0.01 is the price per unit (PPU). In this case, it's minute and $0.01, assuming the plan's price is in USD.

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