
Setting up Jetstream

This package assumes you have installed Jetstream in your project. If not, head over to the Jetstream website for installation steps.

Installing Cashierstream

You can install the package via composer:

composer require renoki-co/jetstream-cashier-billing-portal

Next, publish the stubs, Laravel Cashier, Cashier Register, Cashierstream, and other related files for your choice:

php artisan billing-portal:install inertia stripe

Installing Laravel Cashier

Make sure to have prepared your models to use Cashier as explained in the Cashier documentation, including the billable traits and tables. Cashierstream will only install the appropriate packages in your composer file.

Add Stripe Checkout scripts

Cashierstream uses Stripe Checkout to ease the process of handling subscriptions.

You should do is to add the Stripe Javascript SDK code before the app.js import in your app.blade.php file:

<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>

Setting up webhooks

Since Cashierstream uses Stripe Checkout, it's a must to have webhooks enabled so you can catch incoming subscriptions and modifications that happen in the Stripe Billing Portal.

Read more about it here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/billing#handling-stripe-webhooks

The webhook should be configured to receive the following Stripe events:

  • customer.subscription.created

  • customer.subscription.updated

  • customer.subscription.deleted

  • customer.updated

  • customer.deleted

  • invoice.payment_action_required

  • invoice.payment_succeeded

Last updated