๐Ÿ•›Resetting values

Resetting tracked values

Each created feature is resettable - each time the billing cycle ends, you can call resetQuotas on the subscription to reset them.

You can have:

  • consumable features, for example, the number of mails your client can send each month via your newsletter service

  • non-resettable features, like team seats, the number of maximum projects at a time, etc.

The appropriate way is to be able to reset the quotas after each billing cycle. With Stripe, you might want to implement a Webhook controller listening to the invoice.payment_succeeded event:


use Laravel\Cashier\Http\Controllers\WebhookController;

class StripeController extends WebhookController
     * Handle invoice payment succeeded.
     * @param  array  $payload
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
    public function handleInvoicePaymentSucceeded($payload)
        if ($user = $this->getUserByStripeId($payload['data']['object']['customer'])) {
            $data = $payload['data']['object'];

            $subscription = $user->subscriptions()
                ->whereStripeId($data['subscription'] ?? null)

            if ($subscription) {

        return $this->successMethod();

To avoid resetting, you may call notResettable() on the feature. This way, the quota reset won't occur on the seats feature.

use RenokiCo\CashierRegister\Saas;

Saas::plan('Gold Plan', 'gold-plan')->features([
    Saas::feature('Seats', 'seats', 5)->notResettable(),

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