๐Ÿ”งTypes of values

Unlimited amounts

To set an infinite amount of usage, use the unlimited() method. You can consume as much as you want from the feature, and it will never exceed the quota:

use RenokiCo\CashierRegister\Saas;

Saas::plan('Gold Plan', 'gold-plan')->features([
    Saas::feature('Seats', 'seats')->unlimited(),

Float amounts

The package comes with migrations that allow only unsigned small integers for used and used_total. Optionally, if you wish to have float values, you might just change the field type after publishing the migrations:

Schema::create('subscription_usages', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->float('used', 8, 2);
    $table->float('used_total', 8, 2);

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